In the present scenario of modern Medical sciences, where so many eminent Physician and Surgeon of different path, successfully cures the internal and external diseases with confidence, are merely on the basis of test and investigation through modern medical equipment and trained skilled person.
Speeding —up of the Medico-engineering aids in Medical Sciences on the one hand and paucity of trained technician on the other hand. it is profoundly felt the need of cater to bridge this gap In this contest our organization M.T.O. of India assures adequate bridge, for siphoning the technicians of the Modern Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Clinics etc. Irrelevant to tell the fact that it is not only catering to the demand of technicians but at the same time it also creating a lot of job opportunity for the budding youth of the nation. Our aim beyond all of this is to set a mile stone, in building our nation healthy and strong.
Before proceeding for any treatment of operation of the body, the investigation, tests e.g. Pathology, X-Ray, Ultra-Sound, CT Scan, ECHO etc. have become very important and essential. And hence the demand of the trained and skilled personnel with the latest technology and knowledge have considerably been increased in proportion to the population of India as well as World population.
It is well known fact that India has been the source of intellectuals for the so called developed nations They are continuously searching our country for the brainy and skilled people. We Ind SKAT and other Gulf countries where foreigner's entries are not a big problem, it become much easier when you have got specific qualification training like DMLT, Dip. In Radiography (X-Ray) & ECG etc. We have all modern facilities and infrastructure, expert doctor, well experienced experts/technicians available for guidance to meet any standard required at par with the international standard.
Keeping in view the needs and requirements of the Trained Technician in the forth coming years the MTO of India committed and dedicated for preparing the budding youth and the untrained personnel, already in the job, to make them self sufficient to meet the challenges and to become perfect for the latest medical equipment.
The training program is specially designed under the Self Employment Scheme and have been permitted by the Dept. Of Health and family Welfare, Government of C.G. vide their order No. 3647/1108/2002/55. We do not made commitment for any government employment or registration with any statuary body etc. However trained persons have been employed in various Govt. Hospitals, Nursing Homes or in self employment under qualified medical practitioners.
MTO of India an institute, committed for the best training with the latest technology, aims at preparing the budding youth to work in Indian Modern Medical environment and make them self sufficient to meet the challenges of the International Medical meets.
MTO of India has emerged as a resourceful training organization with latest technology for medical sciences. It not only introduces Training Technology as a new concept in Human Resource Development but also teaches to the students about dedication and self-less services to the patient. MTO of India is registered with government under SR Act XLIV of 1973 vide No. 5290 having its, Central Office at Vaishali Dabri Palam Road Delhi and Admn. office at Radhika Nagar. Bhilai (CG.) and have been permitted By Dept. Of Health & Family Welfare, Government of C.G. vide their order No. 3647/1108/2002/55.
MTO of India is a medical Training Organization, devoted for preparing professionals for careers in Medical Technology field and related area, providing leadership research consultancy and other basic services to the medical line.
MTO aims at making its trainees good professionals, conversant with the knowledge and skills to make their places as Technologists in the current medical environment and also make aware of the future trends and technological advances in the world.
MTO of India, presently offers full time courses in Medical Lab. Technology (DMLT) and Diploma in Radiography (DMRT) & ECG, Diploma in Dental Tech., Hygeine (DDT), Diploma in Ophth. Tech. (DOPT) etc. It also conduct seminars group discussion, workshop, blood-camps and other activities to develop individual to a perfectionist.
Students confidence in MTO of India will reinforce our determination of selfless services to the ailing human at large.